Monday, July 15, 2013

Seattle/Portland Staycation

Jake and I did a bit of a staycation {read: vacation in the city you live in} before our big move last Friday. Here is a recap for you in case you haven't been following along on Instagram.... but really, who hasn't been?

July 1 - Move out of our Magnolia, Seattle apartment + pack up all of our worldly possessions in two smallish pods. Pods get picked up and travel to our new apartment in Charlotte, NC in 6 days. 6 days, people. That is just incredible. I believe the journey was SEA>CHI>CLT. That is one hell of a roadtrip. Thank you mister truck driver man for trekking our belongings cross country so we didn't have to. I joke with Jake that our stuff has traveled to more states than I have. 

Our Magnolia Apartment (goodbye, my love!):

Our pods, patiently waiting to be packed:

See you in a couple weeks, cars! Have a safe trip!

July 1 - July 5 - Stay at quaint bed and breakfast place we found on Try not to spend all our money shopping at U-Village {Anthro, Jcrew, Starbucks... you know the drill}. Eat out at some delicious restaurants including Canlis {restaurant blog posts to follow}.  

Our lovely B&B (found via

The Seattle Skyline, via West Seattle Pier:


July 6 - Goodbye Party in Everett. Some of our friends threw us a wonderful, very special party in their backyard complete with hommemade strawberry lemonade and pulled pork and snickerdoodle cupcakes. The list goes on and on! They went way over and above any of our expectations. We love you, friends!  
Apparently I have no pictures of this??? Stacey, can you send me any if you have any?

July 7 - 10 - Head down to Portland for a quick trip to see friends and family, explore the city and eat at really good restaurants.  For example, after waiting in line for about 45 minutes, we had Portland's own Salt & Straw ice cream that everyone has been raving about. We tried the following flavors: arbequina olive oil, sea salt with caramel ribbon, pear with blue cheese, raspberry lemon basil sorbet. We loved the sea salt and got a real kick out of the olive oil flavor. I actually kind of liked it! 
I'll add some Portland pics once our internet is set up @ home!   

1 comment:

  1. love it. west seattle is beautiful. i am partial though since i've lived here all my life.
